Tuesday 14 December 2010

Double page spread

This is the new layout for my double page spread.
This one improves immeasurably on my first one as it looks on the whole a lot more like a double page spread in a magazine.
My first attempt had only two text boxes, one on each side of the page. This prevented me from achieving a professional style with the design of the page as it made it look more like a poster or the inside of a book. The columns are a much better layout style for the text ad improve the look considerably.

The large text break titles also help to break up the text and clearly inform readers where different sections of the article start and finish.
I also think that the 'Try These' column in the bottom right hand corner is a nice touch and is a feature that would not look out of place in any published magazine. It adds well to the general aesthetic of the pages and also gives the reader another piece of information adding to the value for money of the magazine.
I have also added a block of color behind the title allowing the lettering to stand out much better and breaking the left hand page up showing that it is the title page. The fact that there is no text on the left hand page helps to show that this is the start of a small feature in this issue of the magazine that will last for a couple of pages as it almost acts as a front cover for that group of articles.
The quotation on the left of the page is also a new item and adds a small insight into the kind of things that the interview subject will be talking about in the article.

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